Community What is it good for?
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Jeremy Meiss Head of Community @ Auth0 community - what is it good for?
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About Me 10+ years in Community/DevRel Community/DevRel Consultant Unable to do tricks
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Community == Watermelon? community - what is it good for?
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What is Community? A group of people with unique: Values Personalities Expertise Interests Humor community - what is it good for?
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Cat Herding as a skill
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Community Need Growing Collaboration is a necessity Traditional marketing less e ective Big orgs/companies embracing communities community - what is it good for?
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Brand Advocates / SuperUsers 5x more valuable Spend 2x+ more Spend 3x average over lifetime Larger social reach More trusted than in uencers
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Lifecycle of Communities Inception Establishment Maturity Mitosis Death
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Lifecycle of Communities Inception Establishment Maturity Mitosis Death
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How do you get people involved? “If you can enable an environment in which people can share, they will and the bene ts will entice others to join.” -Susannah Fox, Pew Internet / American Life Project community - what is it good for?
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How to get started? Identify target devs / where they hang out Identify their interests and motivations Remove barriers to adoption
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Community Onboarding 101 Make them feel welcomed and comfortable Give speci c, simple steps to get started Don’t overwhelm with too much info/tasks Over time interact in multiple ways Convey the culture and voice
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Understand motivations for involvement Help to receive help Increased recognition Make an impact Connection with others in community Belonging community - what is it good for?
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Increasing participation Recognition and status boost Access to more info, tools, resources, etc. More capabilities and control Swag. Cool stu .
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Our Story
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Support-Driven Community
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Vending Machine Community
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“Real community is so much more than just basic customer support…” Je Atwood, StackOver ow creator
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Developers Helping Developers
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Steps We’re Taking Building leaderboard Incentivizing participation Internal incentives Our rst developer community survey Creating superuser program
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Resources CHAOSS: Community Health Analytics Open Source Software - Art of Community, Jono Bacon, Community Pulse Podcast DevRel Weekly Newsletter community - what is it good for?
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Thank you @IAmJerdog jeremy.meiss@gmail Repo: Slides:
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