Confessions of an ADHD-fueled technologi…. 🐿️!

A presentation at SCaLE22x in March 2025 in Pasadena, CA, USA by Jeremy Meiss

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D H D A n a f o Confessions ! . … i g o l o n h c e fueled t 🐿️ SCaLE22x

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Any introverts in the room? SCaLE22x

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Jeremy Meiss Director, DevEx & DevRel OneStream Software DevOpsDays KC Organizer SCaLE22x

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Image: PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay SCaLE22x

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Image: SCaLE22x

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Image: Brilliant & Company, Medium post SCaLE22x

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Image: Wikipedia SCaLE22x

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Image: Tara Winstead, Pexels SCaLE22x

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Image: SCaLE22x

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Image: Crazy Dog T-Shirts SCaLE22x

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Image: Jeremy at Alice-Toxaway Divide, Idaho, 2023. SCaLE22x

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Jeremy sees the “-gists” Urologist Neurologist Neuropsychologist Gastroenterologist Hematologist Oncologist Geologist SCaLE22x

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Image: HealthTimes SCaLE22x

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ADHD a mental condition, beginning in childhood and often persisting into later life, that is characterized by persistent difficulty in maintaining attention and concentration, and is frequently accompanied by hyperactive and impulsive behavior. Source: CDC SCaLE22x

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Image: Tara Winstead, Pexels SCaLE22x

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Diagnosing ADHD DSM-5 criteria for ADHD diagnosis Source: CDC SCaLE22x

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3 Subtypes of ADHD Inattentive Hyperactive/Impulsive Mixed Source: SCaLE22x

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Cis Females often underdiagnosed Symptom types: easier to notice hyperactivity and impulsiveness in Cis males Bias: since more common in Cis males, not often looked at for Cis Females Less available research: with ≠ sample sizes, AFAB rarely included Inattention symptoms occur later: seen in structured environments, i.e. college Source:, SCaLE22x

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Cis Females less likely to outgrow ADHD 60% vs 30% have ADHD continuing into adulthood People who “outgrow” usually still have symptoms Source:, SCaLE22x

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Cis Males/Females different comorbidity patterns comorbidity is when another condition occurs alongside another. Quantitative assessments still focus on external behaviors that interfere with other people. Cis Males: Externalizing Cis Females: Internalizing substance misuse anxiety conduct disorders depression antisocial personality disorders somatic symptom disorders eating disorders Source: Medical News Today SCaLE22x

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ales Anxiety & Mood disorders often misdiagnosed for Cis Fem Cis females are often misdiagnosed and treated for anxiety and mood disorders as primary diagnoses As a result, Cis females with ADHD often Chronically stressed, may turn to Rx to are distracted from their own self-care: manage other symptoms of: Postpone checkups and procedures anxiety Function with serious sleep deficits mood disorders Inconsistent eating patterns can result in sleep complications pain self-medicate with alcohol or drugs Source: WebMD,, SCaLE22x

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Growth of Adult ADHD Diagnosis Estimated 6.0% of adults had a current ADHD diagnosis more likely to be aged <50 years (84.5%) when diagnosed, less likely to have a bachelor’s degree or higher (28.1%), less likely to be non-Hispanic Black or African American (7.4%), more likely to be non-Hispanic White (70.4%), and more likely to have a household income below the federal poverty level (22.1%) Source: CDC SCaLE22x

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Growth of Adult ADHD Diagnosis Increased awareness and understanding of ADHD as a lifelong condition Reduced stigma surrounding mental health conditions Greater access to healthcare and diagnostic services Changes in diagnostic criteria that broadened the definition of ADHD Societal changes Source: Mayo Clinic, Advanced Psychiatry Associates SCaLE22x

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COVID-19 has had an impact on ADHD 2024 University of Helsinki report found… Finland’s ADHD cases doubled during pandemic Largest increase in Cis females ages 13-30 Remote learning demanded more executive function Source: JAMA Network SCaLE22x

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Image: ThoughtCo SCaLE22x

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Image: Maria Orlova, Pexels SCaLE22x

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Embracing my ADHD Explained some of my shortcomings, but not an excuse Understanding how my brain works Accept the scattered thinking, and seek creative problem-solving Step into inherent “context-switching” that tech & DevRel requires SCaLE22x

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Image: Leuchtturm Entertainment, Unsplash SCaLE22x

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Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. Source: CDC SCaLE22x

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I say all this because… 1. Cut yourself some slack. 2. Be open and tell your story. 3. ADHD doesn’t have to hold you back. 4. Talk to someone. Get help. 5. There are resources available. SCaLE22x

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Suggested Coping Mechanisms Organizational strategies Mindfulness and relaxation techniques Lifestyle modifications Support groups and therapy Source: Mayo Clinic, Advanced Psychiatry Associates, Healthline SCaLE22x

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Coping with hyperactivity Shaking legs while sitting Moving hands Using a standing desk Chewing gum Source: GoodRx SCaLE22x

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ADHD Resources Dani Donovan: ADHD Comics r/ADHD_Programmers American Professional Society of ADHD & Related Disorders Attention Deficit Disorder Association ADDA: ADHD Workplace Accomodations Guide Children and Adults with ADHD National Institute of Mental Health: ADHD Information ADHD Resources Wired Magazine: How Technology Can Help You Cope With ADHD WebMD: Adult ADHD Symptoms, Causes, Treatments WebMD: Living Well with Adult ADHD Cleveland Clinic: ADHD in Women ADDitude Magazine: Gender differences in ADHD StackOverflow Podcast: The many strengths of neurodivergence StackOverflow Blog: Developer with ADHD? You’re not alone SCaLE22x

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Slide 74 /in/jeremymeiss Thank you! @jerdog @IAmJerdog SCaLE22x

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