A presentation at DevOpsDays Stockholm 2020 in October 2020 in Stockholm, Sweden by Jeremy Meiss
DevOps before there was “devops” - 20yr old Edition
Image credit: Mint Images / Science Photo Library
Image credit: Brett Sayles, via Pexels
En c o u rage te am wo r k
Re duc e s i l o s
Prac t ic e s ys te ms t h i n k i ng
L e a r n f rom f a i l u re Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. -Truman Capote
C ommu n ic ate
Ac c e p t fe e d b ac k
I te r a te r a p id l y Note: you do not want Jeremy helping you build a deck
A u t om ate w h e re a pp ro p r i a te
DevOps before their was “devops” - 20yr old Edition Jeremy Meiss Head of DevRel & Community